Offgrid Trailer same quality as a Turtleback or Patriot trailer? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Offgrid Trailer same quality as a Turtleback or Patriot trailer?


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From a general sense on quality, would you say these Offgrid trailers are built the same as a Turtleback or Patriot trailer ?
They all are really good brands, however Patriot and Turtleback don't have trailers you can go into. Offgrid has trailers you can jump into. So not exactly comparing apples to apples.
In the off road enclosed trailer market, I've seen very few I would actually call an off road trailer. Those two live up to it. When I compare them, its more of how their constructed. Your right about the price difference. but the original question was on quality. I've seen both in person as well as several other brands. So far, if I was to choose, it would be between those.
We'll if you have all the windows and vents closed, perhaps so. But if you move the air around, not the case. Offgrid trailers are the SH!##! Hiker are cool, but just more basic.
I would have normally said Turtleback, but did you see where their prices are now? At SEMA they giving quotes for $70,000! That is more than the priciest Patriot. Which makes the Patriot a bargain!