Word to the wise about your trash at camp | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Word to the wise about your trash at camp


Well-known member
Just a friendly reminder regarding your camp trash. I had to share this wild experience from my camping trip last weekend. So, I was at one of my favorite camping spots to reconnect with nature. The evening started out perfect - a crystal-clear sky, the comforting hum of crickets, and the gentle flicker of our campfire. After a day of hiking, I cooked up a delicious dinner, feeling quite pleased with myself.

But here’s where it gets interesting. I admit, I got a bit lazy and left my garbage bag outside. I figured, "I'll toss it in the morning before we head out." Big mistake!

Sometime in the dead of night, I was woken up by a peculiar rustling sound. Peeking out of my tent, I saw the moonlit spectacle of a cunning raccoon – which I’ve now affectionately named 'Trash Panda' :ROFLMAO: – having the feast of his life! The little bandit had torn the garbage bag apart, scattering remnants of my dinner, empty snack wrappers, and crumpled napkins everywhere. It looked like the aftermath of a toddler's birthday party. And to top it off, Trash Panda wasn’t alone. He’d invited some of his friends over, and they were gleefully sifting through the garbage, chittering and celebrating their jackpot.

When morning came, I stepped out to witness the aftermath of Trash Pandas midnight party. It was chaos. Cleaning up that mess was definitely not how I envisioned starting my day, especially as a few fellow campers gave me the knowing “should’ve secured your trash” nod.

So, lesson learned: Always secure your garbage when camping. Raccoons are adorable but can be sneaky little troublemakers.
Some of them will walk into camp while your up wanting snacks. Talking doesn't bother them but if you move, they leave. This poor picture was one of the three fox's we had that weekend.
