Why has none made a headed rooftop tent? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Why has none made a headed rooftop tent?


Well-known member
Something I have always had in my mind is why has no-one made a rooftop tent with heated walls yet? In my mind it makes sense because a rooftop tent is something that is permanently mounted on your truck so you can run a wire to your power source and have it connected all the time.

When you need to switch it on you can simply switch a switch and boot you have heated walls or even heated floor! That would be insane!

Obviously there are limitations here but there sure is a way around them

Am I missing something here has it already be done?
Hahaha it does sound like a good idea and it looks like no-one has done it yet so it is all yours mate! Time for a new startup company 😜