What to do with outdoor camping gear you don’t need anymore? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

What to do with outdoor camping gear you don’t need anymore?


Well-known member
I'm planning on cleaning out my garage sometime next month. Our 3 car garage is down to 1 bay only because of all the 'stuff' we have stored in there. I'm certain there is a ton of old camping gear in there as well. Are you all just selling your old stuff or are there any good charities worth looking at? Perhaps ones that give the stuff to kids vs selling it?
I have the same issue. I have crates of gear I updated. Lanterns replaced by LED's, several older stoves, at least three diffrent tents.......
I'm considering a yard sale with all the crap.
For the longest time I was also keeping spare vehicle parts and steel scraps from projects. If I didn't know better, I would say that stuff multiplies on its own.