How do wooden drawers fair with the vibrations of off roading? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

How do wooden drawers fair with the vibrations of off roading?


Well-known member
Hey everyone, I am thinking of building some drawers for myself but I am not sure about the fact that they will be built out of wood.

I am worried that the wood will crack under the vibrations or go bad due to humidity.

Does anyone here have experience with wooden drawers and can give some advice?

Thank you
Mine have been fine to be honest. Take the time and build them correctly and they will last for ever

Remember that even if they brake you where the one who made them so you can fix them!
If you get good quality wood and runners then I can't see any reason why a wooden drawer would have any issues. Plus if you factor in the cost of making steel ones you will probably be able to get 2 or even 3 sets of wooden ones before you reach the price of a steel one.

Steel drawers are also heavy and when stuff gets banged around in them they make a lot of noise so I would avoid them there are no benefits to them