What is benefit of 24V vs 12V portable battery and solar? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

What is benefit of 24V vs 12V portable battery and solar?

Larry C

Active member
We have been shopping around for new portable battery and noticed some are 24V vs 12V. What are the benefits of one over the other?
Why is that?

A 24V battery system can be more advantageous than a 12V system for solar applications for several reasons:

  1. Reduced Current for the Same Power Output: Power (in watts) is calculated as Voltage x Current (Amps). At a higher voltage, the current required for the same amount of power is lower. This reduction in current is beneficial because it decreases the energy lost due to resistance in the wires. Less energy lost as heat means your system is more efficient.
  2. Lower Wire Costs and Higher Efficiency: With lower current flowing through the system, you can use thinner wires, which are less expensive and easier to handle and install. Thinner wires also reduce the overall weight and bulk of the wiring system, which is especially beneficial in larger setups.
  3. Better for Scaling Up: A 24V system is more suitable for scaling up, should you wish to expand your solar array or overall energy storage capacity. It's easier to add more panels and batteries without exceeding safe or practical current levels.
  4. Compatibility with Higher Power Appliances: Many higher power appliances and systems run more efficiently on 24V or even higher voltage systems. Using a 24V system can make integrating such appliances into your solar system more straightforward without needing converters.
  5. Charge Controller Efficiency: Higher voltage battery systems can be more efficiently managed by MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) solar charge controllers. These devices are more effective at converting excess voltage into additional current, which helps to maximize the energy harvested from your solar panels.