Looking for portable welder recommendations | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Looking for portable welder recommendations


Active member
I want to get a small portable welder that I can carry with me. Any of you have experience with small welding machines and can suggestion one for me please?
Define "carry with me" and how much do you want to spend. I have several options but size, material thickness and cost will determine.
Also how are your welding skills
Premier Welder. can use welding rod or spool gun. I ran a home made version of this for a couple of decades.
Ready Welder If you have dual batteries, this works fairly well. The only downside is it burns a bit hot.
Dual batteries and arc welding. I did this for a few years before I started building alternator welders. Uncontrolled current but if your careful, works well.
Karnage welder I now run a home made version of this. I can also run my spool gun off of both my batteries if I need to.

This is all hoping you meant portable for your rig.
Whats the cost of a decent portable unit? I was hoping for something that is size of a tool box.
Do you want it for home or your vehicle. You never specified. If for your home what type do you want. Also, what do you want to weld with it.
If you say what your going to use it on, that makes the answer easier.