Boreas EOS-12 camper trailer center of gravity? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Boreas EOS-12 camper trailer center of gravity?

Mojave Traveler

Well-known member
OK so we have made some changes in the direction of trailer we may be going with. My wife really likes this camper trailer from Boreas:

I'm not sure about this thing, as it looks top heavy, and honestly I want something that is well planted on the ground. What do you think?

Water tank and other heavier items are down low on that trailer, keeping the weight around the axle. It will be fine.
Then put a larger wheel on it, it looks like you can get away with at least a 1-2" increase. With the exception of the awning, most all the heavy items are going to be alone the bottom.
We have a Boreas XT and are getting the EOS. The Boreas guys know what they are doing and build what is arguably one of the most durable trailers you can buy. The XT handles rough terrain incredibly well, and I have every confidence the EOS, even though larger, will handle just as well. It’s on the same chassis, has the tanks in the same place, and isn’t all that much bigger. It’ll be much more stable than a lot of the so-called bigger off road trailers which nobody in their right would actually take on anything rougher than a dirt road.
What I'm curious about is how that tracks as its being towed? That gravity point will have a big impact on something like this. I just saw a video of one of these on the inside, pretty nuts.