Recent content by Martin Cunningham | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Recent content by Martin Cunningham

  1. Martin Cunningham

    Are you currently using Ride Dog?

    What if you are not in a cell area?
  2. Martin Cunningham

    Overlanding or camping in another country?

    I was just telling a friend last week, if I could do it all again and wasn't married with a family, I would do just exactly that!
  3. Martin Cunningham

    Longer Tailgator Tire Table?

    This is actually a good idea, can you fit two of these in the same bag?
  4. Martin Cunningham

    Buying complete van OR provide van to be customized?

    If you have it already, that could be the better path. But if you are lucky, a good shop will likely get better pricing then you could get. So I would recommend ask the shop. Know ahead of time what those vans run for.
  5. Martin Cunningham

    After Thanksgiving Run. Mojave Road. 11/25-26

    You all have fun, wish I could go, but big no go for me!
  6. Martin Cunningham

    Airflow in Mammoth trailers

    I don't suppose any of you know how is the airflow while inside one of these trailers? Many teardrops have troubles with moving air while you are inside them. Any idea how this Mammoth trailer is?
  7. Martin Cunningham

    Yoshino b4000 solid state portable power station

    I still have a radio that runs on vacuum tubes in the garage. Now granted I haven't turned it on in years, but it sure looks cool!
  8. Martin Cunningham

    Whats the coldest weather you have camped in?

    Can't say we have been in that cool of temps. But we have been in around 10 F, but it has snowed heavy and we have been in some intense winds during snow fall as well.
  9. Martin Cunningham

    Bear defense while camping?

    Bear spray and a 45mm
  10. Martin Cunningham

    Does portable batteries need to be completely discharged ever?

    Good post from smritte! I've always thought you run it down, you charge it. These portable batteries (the good ones) don't have any sort of memory. I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see if different.
  11. Martin Cunningham

    Are Hiker Trailers considered a good trailer to own?

    Well hey, they have done well with it then!
  12. Martin Cunningham

    My day at work

    Are you teaching a tech school? My brother in law teaches high school shop class and he has shared numerous times, PHD needed in patience. :LOL: Tremendous respect for teachers!
  13. Martin Cunningham

    Turtlebox vs Demerbox?

    Never heard of demer box. My wife got me a Turtlebox for my birthday, happy with the sound. Battery life is decent and getting it connected is easy.
  14. Martin Cunningham

    Talk about offroad driving skills!

    I've been watching 8x8 trucks lately, and just amazed with the skill of some of these drivers. Kind of levels up what we considered good driving with our 4x4s! While on topic, why haven't these sort of trucks run in USA?
  15. Martin Cunningham

    Are Hiker Trailers considered a good trailer to own?

    They've been around for a long time, that's a fact.