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  1. Route 66

    Fresno to Fairbanks, Alaska Overland trip??

    Not to ask a dump question, but we have pushed off our Alaska trip twice now because the Canadian border is still closed. Are there any other ways to legally cross or get my rig up there? Is there a permit that can be picked up that shows you are heading straight to Alaska?
  2. Route 66

    Fresno jumping in as well

    I was wondering when this board was going to open. Love the articles, great to see forum now open! I'm from Fresno with a 2018 JK. Good to meet you all!
  3. Route 66

    Best hybrid mud and all terrain tire for 2018 Jeep Wrangler JK

    I hope this makes sense. I have a 2018 JK that I just bought in December used. I've never owned a Jeep before and learning the ropes. I have friends with mud tires and they are just too loud. But I know the benefits of having these sort of tires. So, is there something that is in between...