
Solo Overlanding Tips

photo by Brunomsbarreto via iStock

Let’s face it, not everyone likes being out in the middle of nowhere without the day-to-day comforts a house has to offer. If you are not lucky enough to have like-minded friends or have moved to a new area and don’t even have friends yet it’s time for some solo overlanding. 

Solo overlanding might sound boring but all that time you have surrounded by complete silence can help relax and clear out your mind. However, the possibilities of getting stranded or having no help in a moment of need are increased; so, preparedness is even more important in this kind of overlanding. 

In today’s tutorial, we’ll go over some tips and gadgets that will make solo overlanding far safer. 

Always Let Someone Know Exactly Where You are Heading

SUV driving in to the sunset

photo by Nick Clark via iStock

Tell a friend or family member the track you are planning on following and the exact dates you will do so. This will ensure someone will know where you are or will look out for you in case you have not made it back to civilization in the timeframe expected. 

Solo Overlanding Tips: Don’t Get Carried Away

empty dirt road

 photo by konradlew via iStock

It is very tempting to enter unknown tracks when out exploring – especially if they look like they haven’t been driven in a while. You must resist the temptation and stick to the ground you know, though – is it worth risking getting lost or stuck just to go down an unknown trail? Not really, such trails better be explored in a convoy!

Gadgets That Enable Communication With Civilization

Man using a satellite phone in the mountains on a solo overlanding trip

 photo by AlexBrylov via iStock

Satellite phones are a must-have for solo adventurers. In 99% of the places we explore there is no cell signal, and without a second vehicle for backup, you would find yourself in a really bad situation if anything were to go wrong and you had no means of contacting help. 

Furthermore, you should always keep your phone’s location on, as it may help track you down if needed.

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Solo Overlanding Tips: Vehicle Preparation

Mechanic working on a car

 photo by golubovy via iStock

A well-maintained vehicle is the number one priority no matter what type of overlanding trip you are heading out on; however, in this case even more attention must be given to ensure everything is in top order. 

A proper overlanding tool kit and the necessary spares for your specific vehicle must also be carried.  

Use a Reliable GPS Device or Application

GPS on a Map

 photo by Eureka_89 via iStock

A reliable GPS device or application will ensure you know exactly where you are and where you’re going regardless of signal availability.

GAIA GPS is a great application, but you will need your phone or tablet to use it. For GPS devices, prefer reputable brands such as Garmin as this will be what you will rely on when it comes to getting into the trail and out the other side.

Solo Overlanding Tips: Carry Extra Supplies

Extra supplies for a solo overlanding trip

 photo by fcafotodigital via iStock

Having supplies that will last for a few extra days is a crucial part of overlanding preparation. 

Do not carry just enough water for the days you are planning on being out. In fact, figure out how much water it will take to survive 2-3 extra days out in the bush. Bring dry food such as nuts or packed biscuits that require no cooking and won’t go bad – such food can be a lifesaver if you find yourself stranded in the woods. 

Camera and Notebook

camera on a table

 photo by Narathip12 via iStock

You will have plenty of time to think and reflect out there. Therefore, you should bring a notebook with you to write down any ideas that may arise as a result of the calmness of your surroundings. A camera is also a great asset, as those photos will be priceless in a few years.

All the tips and gadgets mentioned above should always be implemented regardless of who you are traveling with. However, in the case of solo overlanding, attention to detail and 100% certainty that all crucial steps have been followed and accessories packed is the most important aspect of making it out safe and having fun on a solo adventure.