Spring spacers on a solid axle vehicle. | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Spring spacers on a solid axle vehicle.

Tom Davis

Well-known member
So on IFS spring spacers are a no go, but on a solid axles it seems like there wouldn't be an issue. Am I missing something here?
Spring spacers on solid axles are no issue mate. just keep in mind that you need to have a long enough shock to make up for the change in high and you may also need longer brake lines. Other than that, there is nothing to brake here.
I've had them on mine for years now with no issues. As long as you upgrade all the surrounding parts according to the hight you will be adding there are no real drawback to spring spacers.
Something you need to keep in mind is that spring spacers do not improve suspension travel or abilities. Therefore, by only adding spacers you increase hight wihtough addicting suspension reticulation which will make the truck easier toroll over.

If you add longer shocks along with the spacers you can combat this issue.