SmartCap vs Softtopper | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

SmartCap vs Softtopper


Well-known member
I was going to get a SmartCap a little while ago, then got turned off with all the negative comments about their customer service and delays and honestly lost track of things. Honestly it's been a minute since I was thinking about putting a cap on the back. But I just came across a soft topper, actually I came across an inflated topper thread on Facebook 'Flatted topper', which the comments were gold. Actually funny with the comments people were making about this top. Anyway, someone brought up 'Softtopper' and I just happen to Google it and it's a soft top topper, reminds me like what you would see on a boat!

So questions:

Will this keep dust out? I travel on dusty roads and at least keeping most of the dust out is important.
Next how durable are these things in the long haul?
Are these easy to put up and down?
Does it make noise when at highway speeds?
The problem with the Smartcap was production. I saw these guys at the expo last year and one of them told me their manufacturing was all messed up. Now Flatted, these guys were just on Shark Tank, and lucky for them were able to get a deal from Damon. But the big question the sharks failed too look at is durability. One of these takes a branch while offroading, its game over. That said, Softtopper looks decent. At least in the branch example I gave above, it will go through this and likely will rip it, but you can keep going. Not sure how air tight it will be compared to a hard top though.
Smartcap is never in stock, your better off going with the Softtopper thing if you need something sooner than later.