Manual transmissions dead? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Manual transmissions dead?


Well-known member
20 years ago, even perhaps 15, most everyone I knew had a manual transmission on their rigs. Today, I don't know a single person who is sporting a manual transmission.

Are manual transmissions completely dead?
Todays automatics are geared better and don't draw as much HP as older ones. I was a hard core manual trans guy until I built my first off road auto. It took a diffrent driving technique, but now all I will drive off road is auto. The manual transmission gear ratios have been poor since the 90's with the auto's getting better once they hit the 2000's

A modern Jeep manual transmission has a 1st gear of 5.13. then jumps to 2.63 in second. Not a very close ratio.
Same vehicle but in an auto is 4.71 with a 3.13 second. Very close.

The closer ratio of the auto keeps you in the power band where as the manual doesn't. People will argue that the lower 1st in the manual makes it better but, the auto has a torque converter giving it an additional 2-1. in reality the auto gives a 9.42 1st as well as a smooth transition into the rest of the gears.

People will still buy manual transmissions but today, unless you really want one, the autos are going to be better. On a side note, I bought my son a manual Tacoma as his first vehicle. He was pissed. 15 years later, he's glad he knows how to drive one.
I own both. Manual transmissions are in my older trucks and are fun to drive. I'll say this we picked up a Rivian and that is automatic, thats NICE! Just wish the range was better though.
Manuals are fun in sports cars, and older trucks. But as already stated the autos today are so darn good. It's hard to say no.
No, but automatic transmissions have become so good. Back in the day, automatics were so limited making manuals a much better choice. Not the case anymore.