Lightest 100Ah lithium battery? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Lightest 100Ah lithium battery?

I got this several months ago. Built in BMS.. From what I saw, everything in the 100 amp size weighed about the same, about 24 pounds. I haven't compared it to another for durability but it gets beat up pretty good in my trailer. There's a cheaper one's without BMS.
The Renogy batteries are great but twice the cost ( $550-$1000). They can have blue tooth and heaters built in as well as a better BMS.
The lightest 100Ah lithium battery on the market is likely to be one of the lithium-polymer batteries. These batteries have a relatively high energy density, which means they can store a lot of energy in a relatively small and lightweight package, especially when you compare to AGMs! However, the exact weight of a 100Ah lithium battery can vary depending on the manufacturer and specific model (I put a list of a few brands below). It's always good to check the weight in the manufacturer's specifications before pulling the trigger. I know what I have isn't the lightest on the market so hope this still helps. Here are some brands worth checking out:

  • Battle Born Batteries
  • Lion Energy
  • Renogy
  • Goal Zero
  • Energizer
  • Victron Energy
  • Lithionics Battery
  • Powerfilm
  • Axiom
  • Genasun
I would look into each of these and check to see what they have for light weight batteries. Top batteries on that list are what I believe the more known brands.
I got this several months ago. Built in BMS.. From what I saw, everything in the 100 amp size weighed about the same, about 24 pounds. I haven't compared it to another for durability but it gets beat up pretty good in my trailer. There's a cheaper one's without BMS.

Good find, does this have a heater in it?
Unfortunately, no.
I chose this specifically because it didn't have one. My reasoning is two part. It doesn't really get that cold here and I'm purposely seeing if the battery will fail in the areas I camp.

If your in cold areas you want a heater when its being charged. You can either spend for a premium battery or you can make your own heater using a motorhome grey water, tank heater. Most of the heaters sold seem to be used for keeping lithium batteries warm. The one I have (for my propane tank) has a thermostat built in. It turns on about 45 degrees and off at 65 degrees. If i end up with a heater on my battery, thats what it will be.
Battery management system. Here's as many of the diffrent features off the top of my head, you can find in a BMS.

1. All of them pretty much keep the batteries charged properly (Well try to).
2. The better ones will look at the state of charge on each battery and keep them balanced (equal).
3. Some have temp sensors and prevent the batteries from charging if its too cold.
4. Outside monitoring. This is commonly Bluetooth
5. Battery heaters are starting to be more common.

All the cheaper batteries will have the first one. Some will do a better job of it (#2)
The lithium batteries we use can be individual cells ( 18650) or "prismatic". The prismatic's tend to be better but pricier.
From what I've seen, the 18650 battery boxes tend to be cheaper and commonly have fewer BMS features, where as the prismatic tend to have the better ones but are normally twice as much as an 18650 pack.
America, southern California. I normally go out once or twice a month. Due to a couple of ongoing projects, I haven't been out for a little over a month. My group goes out once a month and I do trips in between sometimes.