How much will 6lb reduction in wheel weight make? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

How much will 6lb reduction in wheel weight make?

Travis Craig

Well-known member
I'm looking at changing my wheels and noticed a possible wheel that I'm looking at will save me about 6lbs per wheel. Will that make a difference in MPG or accelleration?
Bummer, so the hopes of a little love at the pump isn't going to happen? Thought with 6lbs per wheel, 24lbs total, that might make some difference. Oh well, thank you!
Look at it this way, The money you save from not having to replace your shocks sooner could net you enough fuel to drive....100 miles?
See Glass half full.
My wife has a Tesla and the difference between the Performance and Long Range I thought was the wheels? But then again, that's 345 miles compared to 305 or something like that.