Brass tire deflators - set up on cold or warm tire? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Brass tire deflators - set up on cold or warm tire?


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Is it better to initially configure a four-pack of adjustable brass tire deflators on a cold tire or a warm tire? I'm aware that tire pressure should ideally be set when the tire is cold. However, if I adjust the deflator to 30 psi on a cold tire and later use it on a warm tire, the pressure will drop below 30 psi once the tire cools down. So, should I set up the deflators on a warm tire instead? I'd appreciate any advice from experienced off-roaders on this matter.
I set mine up cold. I also don't remember the brand but they tend to fall out of calibration about once a year. I occasionally need to recalibrate.
The issue here is, we tend to set them up cold but use them on hot tires.
If you set them up cold, set them 2-3 psi higher. now your covered with a hot tire.

In reality dirt driving doesn't need to be that accurate as long as the tires are just close to the same psi when your done.
My common dirt road high speed (20 mph-40 mph) is about 20 psi. My slow driving is 15 psi. What reality is my high speed is 18-22 psi and low speed is 13-18psi. All the tires tend to be about 1-2 psi diffrent but, I don't care because its dirt.
I have a 400 series Viair. Its around 10 years old and has held up very well. The ones out there that are bigger and faster but, I cant beat the track record of these.