Why are Core Cabin tents so cheap? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Why are Core Cabin tents so cheap?


Well-known member
We are looking for a ground tent and noticed these Core Cabin tents on Amazon for $89 and it's a 9 person tent. What's the catch?
Most likely because they are made in China. Frankly considering recent events, I think Americans, heck the world needs to stop purchasing products from China. China is going to be a big problem for world peace soon.
100% agree with Carbon Dude. I hope more U.S. manufactures start looking at Mexico or South America vs crap from China. People in the U.S. need to wake up. Stop buying from China!
While I've not heard of this brand before, looking over the tent, aside from being made overseas and this thing just made with cheap materials, there simply isn't much to this tent. That's why the price is where it is.