Camp security when set up in BLM? | 4WDTalk - Overlanding and offroad Forum

Camp security when set up in BLM?


Well-known member
We are currently shopping around for a trailer. But I had a question regarding when you have camp set up in BLM. Do you pack up camp every time you head out to explore or head into town? Or do you leave everything out? We've not owned a trailer before so not sure about this one. How do you approach camp security when on BLM?
Make it a judgement call on where you are at. If you are 3 miles off pavement and haven't seen anyone in a day, go for it. If you are near a busy road, well you might want to rethink or leave someone behind to watch.
Yep, agree. If out in the middle of nowhere, I'll leave camp briefly, but only when no one else is around. Then again sometimes at larger camp sites, I'll leave camp. Everyone respects everyones stuff. Just my experience so far.
Most people will respect your space, but it's the 1% idiots you need to plan or watch out for.
Thank you all for the feedback. Yeah, make note of surrounding and off we go. I don't plan to ever leave any of serious value, but just was curious on others thoughts when leaving camp. Thanks again!
Make sure you always put all your food away! Yogi will come and sniff out any food you have left out! We learned that the hard way a few years ago. Put everything away of value, left our cooler out, came back from a hike and the cooler was opened up and ransacked.
Make sure you always put all your food away! Yogi will come and sniff out any food you have left out! We learned that the hard way a few years ago. Put everything away of value, left our cooler out, came back from a hike and the cooler was opened up and ransacked.

I was just reading about in North Carolina, some camping is prohibited because of recent bear attacks. So you need to make sure your food is packed away VERY good and away from where you are sleeping if a tent.